First Name
Last Name
Home Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Are you currently part of a business as mission, non-profit organization, ministry, church, or social impact project?
Are you a currently a leader in one of these organizations or projects?
CURRENT: Briefly tell us some about current ministry you are involved in, if any. What organizations are you a part of? What is your role?
DREAMING: Do you have a dream to serve God in a new way or to start something? How would you describe it?
DESIRE: Why do you want to affiliate with the Greenhouse Network? What resonates most with you about us?
What opportunities from The Greenhouse Network are you MOST interested in.
Check all that apply.
Relationship with like-minded people
Inspiring events and digital content
Prayer and worship events
Ministry and/or organizational training
Coaching and/or spiritual direction
Cohorts to help me start something
Opportunities to discover and practice using my spiritual gifts
AFFIRMATIONS: Please check all that apply.
I am drawn to the way of life and values represented in the Greenhouse Network.
I want to connect with other Network Affiliates and missional outposts, resisting relational isolation.
If possible, I want to connect with others for support, prayer, and sharing resources.
I want to honor others in the Greenhouse Network, moving in humility and love, bearing in mind the Network’s honor in recruiting and fundraising practices.
I understand my sense of connection to the Greenhouse Network will better be cultivated by participating in Network events.
I understand the Greenhouse Network cannot affiliate with individuals who exploit people for personal, financial, or emotional gain, whether from legal, ethical, moral, or spiritual perspectives.
I understand the Greenhouse Network has responsibilities under federal, state, and local law and thus cannot affiliate with individuals who do not abide by appropriate safe place policies for children and youth, prohibitions against sexual harassment, non-discrimination policies, and mandated reporting laws in the organizations where they work or serve.
If I lead an organization, I understand it is my responsibility to provide for appropriate legal, ethical, moral, financial, and spiritual oversight that is not inconsistent with those of the Greenhouse Network.
I understand the Greenhouse Network is not responsible for the legal, financial, interpersonal, staff, or program issues of organizations where I work or serve.
If I am unable to provide reasonable oversight or appropriate policies for my organization that are consistent with these affirmations, I must make the Greenhouse Network aware and consult with them about the appropriate next steps.
I have read and support the Greenhouse Network’s values and shared beliefs.
I am willing to attend an orientation. Please give me information.
Please include me on Network emails for updates and information.
How did you hear about us?
Someone in the Network
Word of Mouth
Social Media
My Organization/Ministry/Church