Our Network grows and builds through four movement spaces.
We move together in four spaces that cultivate synergy between apostolic, prophetic, evangelistic, teaching, and pastoral functions:
The New Community of Celebration,
Greenhouse Network Hubs,
The Greenhouse Lab,
& Celebration House of Prayer
The New Community of Celebration
The New Community of Celebration is a new monastic community emerging from the history and legacy of a religious community of the Episcopal Church, also called The Community of Celebration, with its roots in the Jesus People movement of the 1960s. We commit to one another in a way of life that includes prayer, the poor, a common life, work, and stability - drawing from the ancient wisdom of the Benedictine monastic tradition. We aspire to the 12 Marks of a New Monasticism in guiding us toward an integrated, contemplative life of mission.
We live like missionaries and city-builders, living in geographical proximity to one another as we engage rhythms of prayer and service in our community. From here, we act as spiritual mothers and fathers, big brothers and big sisters to emerging and developing leaders. We see this as part of our apostolic and prophetic function.
Throughout the year, anyone is welcome to join us for prayer, Eucharist, Taize worship, and various meals and celebrations. We’d love to have you!
Greenhouse Network Hubs
Network Hubs form around a shared geography (such as a certain river valley) or a shared experience (such as a common language) and are served and catalyzed by hub leaders who are in covenant with one another in shared desire to uncover God’s Kingdom as they serve both seasoned and new leaders.
As hub participants grow in their mutual desires for God’s Kingdom, space is created for worship and prayer, leadership development, relational engagement, and multiplication - emerging from within that hub’s specific context. Hubs provide context for convening relationship and partnerships between businesses, non-profit organizations, social impact projects, and churches. For us, this is the cultivation of apostolic, prophetic, and evangelistic synergy.
Each of our hubs hosts their own events including prayer gatherings, times for missional leaders to connect and support one another, and strategic trainings. You are welcome to join us. Pay attention to our social media for what’s coming up next.
The Greenhouse Lab
The Greenhouse Lab is innovating at the margins as a social impact incubator on the corner of Spring Street and Franklin Avenue in Aliquippa. We help emerging, grassroots leaders begin businesses, non-profits, other community development projects and initiatives, and church plants. We put first the needs of the most vulnerable in our region, providing access to entrepreneurial resources to those affected by marginalization, poverty, and injustice.
Throughout the year, The Lab hosts Innovate - a three month, cohort-based course for early stage entrepreneurs, with the goal of launching leaders in the direction of their dreams. We also offer Cultivate, a one-year developmental journey, taking innovators to the next level. The course consists of monthly group sessions focusing on operational skills, strategic leadership, and organizational growth along with access to the our coaching, marketing, financial services, and shared workspace. The Lab is where our Network’s teaching function equips a broad range of people for their calling.
Additionally, the Lab periodically hosts Calling Lab (a weekend exploration of your gifting and calling), various ministry trainings, as well as mini-grant and network opportunities. Watch our social media for upcoming events.
Celebration House of Prayer
Celebration House of Prayer exists to be a dwelling place for the Lord as we host Him through worship and prayer, for people to dsicover and encounter God and be transformed in His Presence, to pray God’s heart for our neighborhoods and the nations, and as a developmental space for future prayer and worship leaders.
Our prayer room is dedicated to being a dwelling place for the Lord. Encountering His Presence is at the core of God’s heart fort this space. More than anything we can do for Him in this environment, He desires to dwell us. The future city of God is a city with ceaseless worship, and we desire to reflect this reality in the present.
As God dwells among us in these environments, the prayer room becomes a place for people to discover and encounter God and be transformed. Regular encounter with God leads to transformation, filling and unity, and empowers people to go out and live on mission from a place of fullness, love, and power. As we encounter Jesus, we partner with Him to pray His heart for our neighborhoods and the nations. Here we cultivate the prophetic function of God’s Spirit among us.
Watch for opportunities to participate in our prayer room environments as well as spaces for equipping in worship, prayer, and prophetic ministry.
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He comes by our side as our helper. More than that, He comes to dwell within us, to be the life in our blood, the fire in our thought, the faith within us, both in inception and consummation. Thus He becomes not only the recompense of the victor, but the resources for the victory. He is the Captain, the Overcomer and rear Guard in our lives.
- A.B. Simpson