Greenhouse Network Honor

Years ago, mentors taught us that the Kingdom travels along relational lines. So it’s important that we are careful to love and honor one another. Here’s two ways our Network leadars aspire to honor each other related to recruiting people and raising money.


It is quite common in our network for individuals to be involved in more than one missional outpost.   We celebrate this reality.  We do not support possessive or controlling postures over people, and we respect and bless freedom of choice as individuals decide where they will serve.  However, we also want to protect individuals from constant, high-pressure solicitations and ministries from abruptly losing key leaders.  Both can result in exhaustion and offense.  

Therefore, we aspire:

  • To consult an individual’s missional outpost leader to gather feedback before recruiting them.

  • To encourage individuals to seek counsel from their existing missional outpost leader before they serve in your missional outpost, especially if there is overlap in time and responsibility.

  • To willfully send and support individuals as they feel called to start a missional outpost or participate in other missional outpost.  We celebrate release and multiplication.


Due to the missional, ever-expanding nature of The Greenhouse Network, there will always be people in our movement who are raising support for their missional outpost.  We want to honor one another and avoid constant, high-pressure solicitations for money.

Therefore, we aspire:

  • To refrain from raising support from other missional outposts unless the leader of that outpost is a member of your family or an individual raised up and discipled by your own missional outpost.

  • To willfully look for opportunities to give to other missional outposts whenever possible.  We celebrate generosity between outposts.